Tuesday 6 April 2010

Ramblings of a muse.

Prolific blogging

Or not…

I never seem to find the time between actually working, being a mommy, and doing my other various activities to sit down and write all the strange and delightful things that happen to me (or sometimes not)
Time vs. Activities = no fluid blogs.

I would love to be able to sit and just type up a Blog at least once a week, (asking for more would be like asking for the titanic not to sink!)
Anyway as I have a new one I will make more of an effort to update it, I usually get about a two hour window every month or so and thrash out about 6 in one hit, not conducive I know, but, I do so much and finding the time, and by that I don’t mean at 3 am, it can be a bit iffy.
I usually find that my creative side gets a good hit at 3 am though, mind you if you ask any artist (and I don’t profess to be one) they mostly say the same.
The muse hit’s me at odd hours and doesn’t want to shift her working hours, women eh!

Anyway… I will get better at this blogging thing as I hope to be able to write more often it’s a passion of mine.

Some of it will be meaningless drivel, I hope to add some funnies, and some serious contents too.

But this is just a insight to little ole me, so you can share is some of my life’s anecdotes.

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