Monday, 7 March 2011

My new additions

 the first and quite possibly the cutest, will be the sweet (Yeah Right) kitten I acquired before the Christmas holidays.

I named this bundle of fluff Kamikaze, and the reason for his name is because he is without a doubt reckless, and completely fearless.

I'm a Cool Dude!
First night I brought him home he climbed my legs while I was washing up the dishes, Oh don’t look so surprised I do have domestic skills.
So I gently picked him off my leg, and gave him a stroke in my arms, after a few minutes he promptly jumped from said arms and splatted the food and water bowls, so not only did he make this huge jump, that had my heart in my mouth he also managed to cover himself in tomato sauce from his food, and a wet coat from the water.

Trying to catch him, to clean him up proved less than productive, as there are a lot of small holes where big people can’t get but little kitty’s can.

I am tiger I roar ( well yawn) lol

2 hours and some wet wipes later he curled up on me and promptly started purring.
I jumped, honestly he purred and I jumped, because this tiny (any he was) bundle of fur, sounded like a freight train.
Even my fully grown cat doesn’t sound as loud.

That was the first night and since then I’ve sported scratched and bite marks and still do, my curtains have been replaced, and I’ve settled into having him curled on my feet at night purring his little head off.

My other additions are of the less alive kind.

I love bears, I’ve collected them for years, and I have, well lets just say lots of them. And I added some new additions recently. 

Me to You bear

Take me to bed Boffle Bear


Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Name and company change.

As most of you will see I have changed my name, why?

I felt like a change and I felt like I had outgrown Tammy.
That’s not to say I didn’t like the name when I choose it, but I wanted a change.

I also changed company, from House of Divine, to Ultimate Indulgence, (Milton Keynes) and The Pump (Birmingham).

Again why?

Well again I felt like I had outgrown them, differences of opinion, left me wondering, whether I wanted to continue with them or leave, and as it happened they were thinking the same thing, they beat me to the punch and asked me to leave before I made the choice too.

Sometimes it happens that way, you can all disagree and then all part ways.

Good luck to them, but for me personally I am enjoying my new venture, with Ultimate, and The Pump.

Idea’s and like mindedness make us compatible.

I am still in Milton Keynes, at Ultimate Indulgence, don’t you just love the name, says it all for me, INDULGENCE!! Hehe.

And of course My Coventry fella’s missed me, so I decided that The Pump in Birmingham would be an easy transition, as my Coventry clients can see me in Birmingham, and of course I get to embark on a new clientele base in Birmingham.

So all in all that’s the main work based stuff.

But Autumn you haven’t told us about the new stuff…

All in good time my wonderful people all in good time.

Lax attention.

 Oh dear, sorry to have left you boys, and girls alone for so long…

Well I have had a bit of a rollercoaster ride since the last time I posted,
I could say a load of tosh, but I doubt that is what you’re all interested in.

Well I added a new addition to my home life, (most will know), I took up a new hobby, which is exhilarating, spent some money on some new stuff for you boys & girls, got plans for a few more as well, but it’s a secret for now so 

I’m working with different people, had my birthday, 
How old I am!

I know a year older, was a very awesome night out though.

Having new pictures coming soon, experimented with some body art (it’s body paint so washes off) got some new and very welcome additions to my bear collection, yes I am a girl and yes I like soft toys, so if you fancy bringing me one feel free.

Got in contact with a few people who were amazingly lovely, and have spent the last few months running around like a headless chicken doing some seriously manic stuff.

Had several interesting conversations with a fair few people who expanded my mind no end, as well as some other enjoyable activities.

I will post some new blogs describing the events, which correlate so as not to bombard you with masses if info.

I will be blogging more as I have time again now that things have settled down.

Autumn xx